Pink Journey Angels

As a two-time breast cancer survivor, I know the difficult journey many women face when diagnosed with breast cancer. Diagnosed the first time at the young age of 36, only to face a second diagnosis at age 46. Two lumpectomies, ultimately a bilateral skin sparing mastectomy, radiation, chemotherapy, daily hormone therapy, multiple reconstructive surgeries, are all things I faced along my breast cancer journey.
It was not too far into my journey that I realized I could use my story, my scars, and my pain to heal others. Other people are going to find healing in your wounds. Your greatest life messages and your most effective ministry will come out of your deepest hurts.
Breast Cancer has led me to so many amazing and courageous women. I love the Angel’s program and what it represents. We are ALL survivors, and we are HOPE for women battling breast cancer. We travel this journey alongside them, providing support and inspiration and sometimes we share tears together. At the end of day, we realize that breast cancer does not discriminate. We are bound together in sisterhood no matter our age, ethnicity, or lifestyle. We all see the same pink ribbon when we are together. This is the Pink Journey. This is Breast Cancer.